Angular Major Releases

Initially Angular JS was released in October 2010. It was MVC and MVVM based architecture.

Angular Version 2 was released in September 2016. Completely rewrite which is providing Component based UI and service/controller architecture. After this release, there were few new versions coming below which has introduced new features and improvement related to performance.

Angular Version 4 was released in March 2017.

Angular Version 5 was released in November 2017.

Angular Version 6 the latest released in May 2018.

Difference between JIT and AOT


Full Form: Just-in-Time

Compilation Process: Just-in-Time compiles your app in the browser at runtime

Commands Used:

ng build
ng serve


Full Form: Ahead-of-Time

Compiles Process: Ahead-of-Time compiles your app at build time.


ng build --aot
ng serve -- aot


  • Before serving to client, AOT compiles HTML templates and components to JS files there will be no risk on client side HTML or Javascript Evaluation so very less chance to inject attacks.
  • Get to know about errors during the build step.

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